Grouse Pointing Test at Westerdale Moor, Near Whitby North Yorkshire
Sunday 3rd March 2024
By kind permission of Westerdale & Rosedale Estates
Judges: S Burton (AP) & J Cavana
Sunday 3rd March 2024
By kind permission of Westerdale & Rosedale Estates
Judges: S Burton (AP) & J Cavana
Results: WA GPT @ Westerdale Moor, NY 03/03/2024
Judges: S Burton (AP) & J Cavana
Chief Steward: N Cole Co-Steward: B Dymond Duty First Aider: R Hicks Gradings were as follows: Juniors: Good: Tequesta Happy Valley [GSP] (D Elrington) Tequesta Hinterland [GSP] (H Lampart) Gilleyfield Cosmos of Valkaiser [GWP] (J King) Adults: Good: St Bertrand des Grandes Maurieres (Imp Fra) [WEI] (A Lindley) * Quintana Qing Ping [GSP] (M Nixon) Szarvashegy Standing Bear [HV] (H Folland) Very Good: Artlan Mojito [GSP] (R Hicks) Patouche Oriana avec Petillant [Britt] (S Ryan) * The Pickstone Trophy was presented to Austin Lindley for his Weimaraner's Achievement on Grouse. The WA is delighted to announce the results of the Grouse Pointing Test held on 3rd March 2024 on the North Yorkshire Moors by the kind permission of Westerdale & Rosedale Estates, and at the kind invitation of John Cavana of the NYMMO, and facilitator Bradley Dymond. The day was sponsored by the "Friends of Penny Pickstone" who also donated THE PICKSTONE TROPHY, in memory of the late Penny Pickstone, a founder member of the Association and at 15 seasons, its longest serving FT Secretary. Suzi was invited to recount aspects of Penny's life in dogs, and her love for the moors, noting that Penny had been laid to rest recently at Grinton Moor. Recollecting the efforts Penny had made introducing owners to dog work, and the time and energy she had devoted to enabling dogs to progress, and which brought her so much joy. Finishing with an exhortation to all present to enjoy the day, and enjoy their dogs with as much enthusiasm as Penny had brought to such events. |
In lieu of a ground fee, the equivalent sum of the aggregate of the entry fees was donated to the worthy cause of the North Yorkshire Moors Moorland Organisation who do such great work promoting all aspects pertaining to grouse moors to young children among many other good works. (Read more about NYMMO at the link). We are indebted to our hosts, and to our judges on the day, Suzi Burton (AP) and J Cavana, and to Nicole Cole (Chief Steward), and to Bradley Dymond as co-steward. Mr R Hicks was the Duty First Aider. The persistent rain of the preceding few days held off, and there was a favourable headwind for all dogs. The test was held under bright skies and amid spectacular scenery. All things combined to make for a very successful and enjoyable day. Everyone was in high spirits and happy to be out with their dogs in such a magnificent setting. The WA thanks everyone for supporting the day and helping to raise funds for such a worthy cause. |
Grouse Pointing Test at Westerdale Moor, Near Whitby North Yorkshire
Saturday 4th March 2023
By kind permission of Westerdale & Rosedale Estates
Judges: P Pearson [AP] & J Cavana [NP]
Chief Steward: Mr B Dymond
Orange Flag: N Coe
Saturday 4th March 2023
By kind permission of Westerdale & Rosedale Estates
Judges: P Pearson [AP] & J Cavana [NP]
Chief Steward: Mr B Dymond
Orange Flag: N Coe
Results: WA GPT @ Westerdale, NY 04/03/2023
The WA is delighted to announce the results of the Grouse Pointing Test held on 4th March 2023 on the North Yorkshire Moors at the kind invitation of John Cavana of the NYMMO. In lieu of a ground fee, the equivalent sum of the aggregate of the entry fees was donated to the worthy cause of the North Yorkshire Moors Moorland Organisation. (Read more about NYMMO at the link). We are indebted to our hosts, and to our judges on the day, Phil Pearson (AP) and J Cavana, and to B Dymond (Chief Steward), and to our Orange Flag bearer Nicole Coe. It tried to snow just as we got under way, and was coming in more seriously as we were sheperded off the moor at the end. But during the test, a stiff headwind and bright skies made for a very successful and enjoyable day. Everyone was in high spirits and happy to be out with their dog(s) in such a magnificent setting. The WA thanks everyone for supporting the day and helping to raise funds for such a worthy cause. And especial thanks to Suzanna for boiling up a decent brew at the end! Congratulations to all those achieving a grading. |
Juniors: Very Good: Heidi Harrington [GSP] (D Greenlaw) Good: Madog Rockruff [GSP] (D Greenlaw) Good: Artlan Mojito [GSP] (R Hicks) Adults: Excellent: Disglairhill Apache [GSP] (M Rogers) Very Good: Goosepoint Waddington at Abbanash JW [GSP] (N Coe) Good: Flade Revdal Saxo [ODP] (K Madsen) Good: Stockenberge Haganhjerte von Bastillian [WEI] (N Wroe) Link: https://www.facebook.com/nymmouk/ |
Grouse Pointing Test at Westerdale Moor, Near Whitby North Yorkshire
Sunday 16th February 2020
By kind permission of Westerdale & Rosedale Estates
Judges: M Nixon [AP] & P Nixon [NP]
Chief Steward: Mr B Dymond
Sunday 16th February 2020
By kind permission of Westerdale & Rosedale Estates
Judges: M Nixon [AP] & P Nixon [NP]
Chief Steward: Mr B Dymond
GPT: WA @ Westerdale, N. Yorkshire (16/02/2020)
By kind permission of Westerdale & Rosedale Estates Judges: M Nixon (AP) & P Nixon (NP) Chief Steward: B Dymond Results: Dogs Graded: Juniors: Good - Northern Arrow's Merry Maus Von Trubon (Imp Fin) [Wei] (S Burton) Good - Disglairhill Apache [GSP] (M Rogers) Adult: Good - Trubon Grafyte Treve [WEI] (S Burton) Congratulations to the two handlers with three dogs achieving grades in today's GPT at Westerdale, N. Yorkshire. This proved to be a splendid day for all the hardy souls who braved storm and tempest in God's Own County. The WA is indebted to and offers sincere thanks to the hosts, the judges, |
and the other officials and helpers on the day. Especial thanks to the brave handlers for being so sporting and creating a great atmosphere.